Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello to all

Well this is my very first blog post and it's scary and exciting! I've always been thought of by friends as a little too opinionated in the political area, and thus relegated my thoughts to YouTube and occasionally adding a rarely read post on the DailyKos.

I cop alot of abuse for being an Australian with interest and strong opinion in world politics (particularly America) and to those people I say this: my fellow Australians have died at the hands of poor US policy decisions and therefore I have a right to an opinion. The unfortunate matter is that although the US President is unofficially given the title of 'leader of the free world' - only a certain percentage of motivated Americans vote for it and the rest of the 'free world' is left to flounder and hope that this time America will get it right.

Poor US policy making impacts the whole world, not just America. If Americans were all truly happy with their country as is and their notions of 'freedom' and this DID NOT affect the rest of the world, I would let it be. But it isn't so.

Poor US policy comes from the corporations being in the pocket of the politicians - who in turn will vote down any attempt to regulate their industry or put in place fair safety guidelines. The price of this: Gulf of Mexico BP Oil Disaster is one example.

Do not be fooled. Scientists estimate that the size of this disaster is unprecedented. It WILL have a lasting effect for decades and sadly, the oil WILL eventually spread out over the oceans and seas of our beautiful planet. The environmental cost is inestimable.

I will comment on American politix as well as comments about current events and anything interesting I find to post. I hope I get some followers of an Aussie girl's view of the world and where it is going right and where it is going oh so awry.

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